Thursday, April 29, 2010

Make Your Car a No Phone Zone

Look in your phone at the last call or text message you received. Is that call or text worth your life?

Take a stand against distracted driving on Friday, April 30 and declare your car a “No Phone Zone.”

A national effort to honor victims of distracted driving, “No Phone Zone Day” will educate and activate Americans to end the deadly driving habits that kill nearly 6,000 Americans a year, according to the National Highway Safety Administration.

Missouri passed a law last year prohibiting drivers 21 and under from texting. The Missouri Legislature is currently looking at expanding the law to all drivers.
All states are asked to take the “No Phone Zone” pledge. By pledging, drivers agree to make their car a “No Phone Zone” and refrain from using their phone while driving, eliminating distractions from incoming calls, texts or e-mails. Go to to pledge.

Put your phones away while driving. No call or text is worth your life.
For additional information on distracted driving, visit or