Last year Missouri saw a 21.5 percent decrease in motorcycle fatalities while nationwide fatalities have declined by at least 10 percent.
In an effort to continue this decrease, Missouri is joining with federal, state and local highway safety, law enforcement and motorcycle organizations in proclaiming May 2010 as motorcycle safety awareness month.
As the weather improves, more and more motorcyclists are hitting the roads. Drivers of all vehicles need to be extra attentive and make sure you share the road and everyone Arrives Alive.
In 2009, 85 people were killed in motorcycle crashes. Ten percent of Missouri’s 2009 fatalities involved a motorcycle, and 99 percent of the people who died in crashes involving a motorcycle on Missouri roads were the motorcyclist.
Watch out for motorcycles. They can be small and hard to see. Riders, do you part and wear a helmet and reflective gear. Look. Learn. Arrive Alive.
For more information about motorcycle safety, visit www.savemolives.com/ or the Missouri Motorcycle Safety Program website at www.mmsp.org/.