How can you grow great memories this summer? Schedule a trip to the state fair on Amtrak's Missouri River Runner train!
The Amtrak train runs between St. Louis and Kansas City twice a day with stops in Lee's Summit, Independence, Warrensburg, Sedalia, Jefferson City, Hermann, Washington and Kirkwood.
If traveling to the fair for an overnight trip in Sedalia, you can easily take the train, but if only a day trip is planned, the following schedule could be followed. Travelers from Kansas City and western areas of the state would arrive in Sedalia at 9:19 a.m. and depart westbound from Sedalia at 7:39 p.m. Those traveling from St. Louis and eastern portions of the state would arrive in Sedalia at 12:01 p.m. and depart eastbound from Sedalia at 5:49 p.m.
A bus will take fairgoers from the Amtrak station in Sedalia directly to the fair's main gates. The bus runs every 15 minutes for a one-way fare of $1.25.
Hop on the Missouri River Runner and avoid the hassles of traffic and parking. You'll end up with great memories, and have more time to focus on all of the fun foods served on a stick.