Get ready for snow Missouri, as Redd Foxx might have said, this could be the big one. Whatever you call it - SnowMaggedon, SnowMG, Snonami, SnowNoWay, OhSnowYouDidn’t , or something else, it’s coming to the entire state. Just as you run to the store to clear out the bread aisle at the grocery store and grab an extra bag of salt to get ready, MoDOT is busy preparing well ahead of each storm also.
Hours before weather is predicted to arrive, MoDOT employees gather around the state to begin organizing and preparing for whatever Mother Nature is sending our way. Besides sending staff out to treat the roads when necessary, employees also check all supplies like salt, fuel, generators and equipment to ensure all levels will last through the coming weather. Staff from around the state also talk with each other to see where resources can be shared if necessary to ensure the roads will be kept as safe as possible.
Even as the bad weather finally hits, not only do you have staff working to keep you safe on the roads, but behind the scenes as well. Many employees stay on the phones, or monitor road conditions across the state in Emergency Operation Centers that will be staffed all hours of the day as needed.
Your best bet in weather like this is to stay at home. If you do need to travel though, plan ahead, take your time and know what you’re up against by checking the department’s Traveler Information Map. Located at www.modot.org, the map gives drivers an up-to-the-minute view of road conditions for major Missouri highways. Conditions for major routes across the state are color-coded to give visitors the information they need at a glance. Travelers can also call MoDOT’s toll-free number, 888-ASK-MODOT, to get road condition information.
So, grab your shovel and get ready…we are. Arrive Alive.
Since St louis city did not get much snow and you have lots of national guard members eager to help; will you please remove the snow from the roads in Lincoln County (we did get a lot of snow).
No one has done any of our roads yet (except for right in town). It seem like lincoln county is beng ignored. Our county highways are done very late & very poorly & many of our intersecting roads & gravel roads are never done. We still had snow on many of our gravel roads from the last storm.
With all the extra help you have, will you please do our roads in Winfield, Foley, & Moscow Mills?
Otherwise we will be trapped for many days.
Crews are out in full force working to plow roads. We do have a list of roads that receive first priority at http://www.modot.org/road_conditions/plowingpriorities/index.htm.
I have sent your comment to our Northeast district office, and you can also reach them at 573-248-2490 or www.modot.org/northeast. Thanks!
Hwy 71 is in pretty good condition - until you get to the Grandview Triangle. There, the two clear lanes disappeared, only to return after the Triangle. Did all the plows take the exits to the other highways there and forget the through lanes? Please send some plows out to finish the job for those of us who don't exit at the Triangle! (And thanks for doing a good job on the rest of the highway.)
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